Attitude is everything.....

The sun is shining and it's a beautiful day!
Once again, I have been touched by people's generosity, kindness and downright show of brilliant human nature at its finest!

You all know by now that shoes are my thing. So I was incredibly touched when the mothers from Briony's school all said they were driving to school on Monday morning in high heels as a show of solidarity. This upped the ante slightly as to be honest I was planning on rocking up at the hospital in my converse. I quickly changed plans! Thank you ladies for putting a smile on my face. Photos below!

The below bag arrived in the post today from a good friend who has recently moved to Australia. It reminded me that no matter what, the show must go on!

These are just 2 examples - there have been countless text messages, WhatsApps, emails, phone calls, cards, letters, flowers - the list is endless. I feel very blessed to have such support around me. You're all amazing! Thank you everyone.

I made it out for a little walk today in the local woods, with Stephen's parents, Tony and Steph. It wasn't far and it was pretty slow, but it was lovely to be out in the sunshine and feel the sun on my face. The light through the trees was beautiful.

The world is indeed a lovely place and I'm loving being a part of it.



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