
Showing posts from July, 2018

Memories or mammaries?

I'd love to claim the title for the post, but have to give credit where credit is due. Thank you bro! So this summer is all about memories, not mammaries! The last 8 months have been all about those and it's time to move on. As I write this, I realise that it is exactly 8 months to the day since I had my initial diagnosis. Briony broke up from school a couple of weeks ago and we've been making the most of it. So far, we have been to Essex to visit my Aunt and cousin (Maldon hasn't changed since I spent summers there with my Gran many years ago), seen The Incredibles 2, been to Yo Sushi (limited gluten free options), Wagamamas (slightly better on the gluten free scale), been swimming twice, been to Claire's Accessories twice, Warwick Castle, a lovely brunch with school friends and sleeping out in the tent in the garden at least 3 times.  I was also fortunate enough to go to Wimbledon with Stephen's cousin, Nikki. We had a fab time. On the celeb spo

Chapter 2 shoes and the beginning of summer....

I haven't posted for a while. To be honest there hasn't been much to post. Without cancer impacting every day, life is actually relatively boring! To give you an example, I cleaned some windows today. But please read on, hopefully it will get a little more interesting! Radiotherapy was somewhat uneventful and finished around a week and a half ago. They said that the side effects would get worse for a couple of weeks after treatment finished and sure enough, they have! I have patches of either very dark, or blistered skin in the treated areas. It's a bit embarrassing on my neck as it looks like I have some weird kind of sunburn, which is a shame as I'm always so careful in the sun! It does also mean that with the weather as it is, I need to be incredibly careful as it is very sensitive. My left underarm is currently a complete mess - there are 2 large scars, one from the lymph node removal and one where the mastectomy scar starts, a couple of blisters, an area of very