
Showing posts from March, 2019

The results are in - I'm not pregnant!

No really! It's true. Read on dear follower..... Life has been ticking along perfectly normally. My hair has gone completely crazy and I look like a cross between a microphone and some kind of mad professor on a daily basis. It's gone quite curly and is at that weird stage where I don't want to have it cut because I will only need to go through the pain of growing it once more. Weirdly there doesn't seem to be as much grey there as there was before, so on some levels there has been a result! Hopefully with the advent of spring it will now start growing a little faster as it feels like it has been growing painfully slowly compared to some others in a similar situation that I have scoured on the internet. I had the scan on Friday and it wasn't a pleasant experience. I stayed overnight in London on Thursday evening with work (dinner at the OXO tower with my new team, very pleasant!) and then (as usual) didn't sleep a wink. It's become a bit of a routine

Oh yeah, life goes on

It’s been 2 months since my last post and life really does go on. At an alarming pace! So how was Christmas for you all? Now we are deep into the year all New Years resolutions must surely be confined to the bin. I didn’t make any this year because the reality is that staying alive and well is simply enough. Christmas for us was great after the cancer rollercoaster last year. Even milestone days which I’ve always found difficult are getting slightly easier. I’m not saying I’m planning my retirement again just yet, but I do now think out-surviving tinned produce may be possible. Unless its corned beef as I’m sure we have some that pre-dates Stephen and me. 2018 is over and done and we have moved on, literally and figuratively. We moved house on the 19th December and I’m pleased to report that we still love the place. We have appointed an architect to help us make some changes and I can’t wait. It’s a peaceful place with fab views. I’ve also returned to work after 15 months away.