
Showing posts from December, 2018

Good riddance 2018 - The End of an Era!

This will be my last post of 2018. And what a year....... 365 days or 18 rounds of chemo/antibody treatments 3 operations 1 colonoscopy 1 endoscopy 15 sessions of radiotherapy Countless scans and appointments 2 talks for Breast Cancer UK 1 charity after dinner speech 1 marathon (walked) £6k raised for Cancer research UK. 1 redundancy 1 menopause Quite frankly I'm over 2018 and it can just F off! We finish the year tomorrow with a move. It's with mixed feelings that I'm leaving our current home. It was the home we bought Briony home to and have watched her grow into the lovely young lady she is. But it's also the home where a year ago my world collapsed. The past year has been spent rebuilding it and it is time to move on. I'm secretly glad that we are moving this side of the New Year. I just want to leave my very own "annus horribilis" behind and wave it a fond adieu. Like an unwelcome relative to be consigned to history (hopefully).