
Showing posts from February, 2018

Life continues as normal......

I've had some complaints (strongly worded comments!) that I haven't been keeping people up to date. Criticism accepted. Just don't moan that it's boring! So here we are on 20th February a mere 8 days before the next onslaught. I have to admit that this cycle has been harder. I think perhaps it is because the drugs from the first cycle are still in my system and so a lot of the effects are cumulative. Or perhaps it is just that the honeymoon period is over! I have been pretty knackered this cycle and only just feel like I am coming out of it. On the positive side I have had a fairly lousy cold (nothing positive there) but have managed to stay out of hospital despite this. Nausea and vomiting have also been a feature. I probably talked this up when I said I had a couple of spa days coming up! We've had half term since I last wrote. It started with a trip to Jack and Alice in Thame with Angela and Molly on the Monday. Briony had french toast with bacon and maple

Two thirds of the way through.....

Thursday was the next onslaught of chemo (cycle 4 of 6), although I now feel like an old pro at this! After the relatively good news of Tuesday I was in a good place and ready to go. My chemo buddy on this occasion was my little, only and best brother Paul. A relatively sedate pair of Jimmy Choo's and some fab socks from Jude (sorry for any offense caused) were the order of the day for those keen to know the chosen footwear for this cycle. We set out from home in a positive frame of mind, with a first stop to drop Briony off at school. However, the world did not seem to be aware that we were in a positive frame of mind. They had shut the main road through our village, which then meant that all of the cars had to go down one narrow lane with very few passing spaces. We gave up after about 20 minutes and drove several miles in the opposite direction to try and by-pass it all. Finally we managed! There were a few frantic phone calls to both the school and the hospital to expla

Light at the end of (a long) tunnel!

The big news is that it is Stephen's Dad is 80 today and Angela is 50 today! We had a great weekend with all of Stephen's family in Dorset to celebrate and there are some great photos on Facebook for those who are interested!  Yesterday we saw the consultant for the results of the scans. After the initial diagnosis appointment, this has probably been the next most important and understandably the nerves for both Stephen and I were running high. Let me bring you back up to speed. This appointment was to look at the results of the most recent scans (brain MRI, breast MRI and CT scan) and then plan the path forward from here. There had been a mix-up with the MRI so it was done a bit early and wouldn't have shown any impact of cycle 3; the CT was then rearranged for the right time. The MRI was looking at the size of the breast tumour and my lymph nodes, the brain MRI was checking to see whether there had been any changes from the previous one and the CT scan was checki