
Showing posts from November, 2017

Yesterday the statue, today the pigeon.....

It's been an odd day, but far better than yesterday, no doubt aided by the benefit of a decent night's sleep. That and an early cup of green tea. Today started with a wonderful reminder of why I will fight this. Briony woke early and came into bed with me and was lovely and sleepy so we dozed together. She must know I'm not well as she even got a bacon sarnie for breakfast. Complete with loads of ketchup that she then cheerful went into school with all over her face. I don't care. She was happy and so was I! Today was the whole body bone scan at Wycombe hospital. It's actually quite empowering as it is a way of finding out where else in my body the little bugger is hiding. Having dropped Briony off at school I went home to read the scan letter and see if there was anything of note. All fairly standard. However, there was the option to bring a CD with you to listen to during the scan. CD???!!!!! Briony is only even vaguely aware of what these are. Queue fr

Well that didn't go quite according to plan.....

Let's start with some good news. I ran 4 miles this evening and felt pretty good! Plus, the support I have had from everyone following my previous post has been amazing. I feel very loved and please don't be offended if I haven't responded personally......I have read each and every one of them and been grateful for them. I think I may have also sorted out the issue with posts disappearing, but obviously may stand to be corrected on this fact! After that, unfortunately I'm all out of good news. Suffice it to say that the appointment yesterday evening didn't go exactly according to plan. We arrived in an optimistic frame of mind, which was just as well, because it was a bit like Challenge Anneka around the hospital trying to find the right place. When we were eventually in the right place we were pretty much ushered straight in. It was a different consultant this time (oncologist vs. surgeon). He asked us to tell him what we knew to date. See previous blog for his

Fuckety fuck fuck

I must have a 7 year itch as it has been 7 years now since I've felt the need to share anything on a blog ( Briony ), but I'm pleased to report that Briony is fab! Sadly I have an unwelcome visitor in the guise of breast cancer. This vile little bugger has decided to take up residence chez Chaffin, completely uninvited and somewhat unexpectedly. How rude! It was rumoured to have been squatting a week or so ago and sadly on Thursday residency was confirmed. We're currently unsure as to what stage I have - further tests are required for that. What we do know is that it's aggressive and hormonal. Is this somewhat like the age old adage of dogs having similar personalities to their owners (only joking)?! So let me explain the Bognor or bust. We have booked a holiday with our great friends to celebrate Richard's 50th Birthday in July next year. It's kind of a surprise, he knows we are going away but doesn't know where, so no spoilers here. So the ever suffe