
Showing posts from May, 2019

"It must be nice for things to be back to normal?"

A little sentence, no harm meant. I get asked it a lot these days by well-wishers. I get the sentiment, I really do. Any yes, externally, things are "back to normal". I'm back at work and really enjoying it. My life is now full once more of juggling school appointments, shopping, washing and all the other things that every mother and wife up and down the country does. My hair is growing back nicely and I'm finally able to get straighteners through it again (just). The endless hospital appointments have fallen away somewhat. Except only a fellow cancer warrior can understand that once the scourge that is cancer has touched your life, things will never go BACK to the way they were before. That life has gone for all of us and whether we mourn it or not (actually it's pretty pointless to as it doesn't change anything), life before cancer is a carefree, wonderfully naive place that once it is taken away can never be reclaimed. My body will never look the same aga