
Showing posts from September, 2018

To Gabs and Rachael....the harsh realities of cancer hit home

I'm not going to lie today has been utterly shit in the most part. A little context................ When you're diagnosed with cancer you're scared, no, actually petrified. You have horrible thoughts swirling around in your head for days on end, especially as you wait to find out the true nature of your disease and how far it has/hasn't spread. You're left in a quandary as to whether to share these thoughts with your closest family and friends, torn between a need to share these thoughts and a level of guilt at what you are putting your nearest and dearest through without burdening them further. No matter the support from family and friends, there are some things and questions that can only be asked of a fellow cancer sufferer. So you turn to the online community and friends of friends in a similar situation. Only to someone in the same position can you share these deepest thoughts and ask the most personal questions. We are a sisterhood, even though we have n